Crime Beat

An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved murder case – or an unsolved murder open




Lead Investigator


Crime Analyst


Forensic Expert

Crime Beat

An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved murder case – or an unsolved murder open investigation – CBC will focus on who the

An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved murder case – or an unsolved murder open investigation – CBC will focus on who the

An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved


An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved murder case – or an unsolved murder open investigation – CBC will focus on who the

An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved murder case – or an unsolved murder open investigation – CBC will focus on who the

An upclose, personal look at our areas most notorious crimes. Whether it is a solved

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What is Crime Beat

Crime Beat Central is a website that provides an upclose, personal look at our area’s most notorious crimes. We focus on both solved and unsolved murder

How many questions are there in the FAQ

There are six questions in the FAQ section.

What is the purpose of the contact section?

The contact section is designed to emphasize our willingness to help and provide a call to action for users to initiate contact.

How can I contact Crime Beat Central?

You can contact Crime Beat Central by filling out the form on our website or by calling our dedicated phone line.

What is the maximum character length for the

The maximum character length for the first question in the FAQ section is 19 characters.

What is the minimum character length

The minimum character length for the sixth question in the FAQ section is 41 characters.

What is the maximum

The maximum character length for the question in the contact section




